You deserve a proper insurance experience. No matter what your situation, you have the right to an adequate transaction with the insurance company of your choice. Your agent should be communicative, caring, and honest. This can mean something as simple as remembering...
insurance agency
What is the difference between price vs cost in insurance?
What's the difference between price and cost? A lot of people consider these to be the same thing, but here is a question that may get you to see the difference: what does your price cost you? When you think about it like that, it is easier to break down the...
What is the difference between a flood and a water backup?
A common question lies between floods and water backups in terms of the insurance. What classifies as one or the other? do you need a separate policy for both? We'll go over the differences so you can have a clear idea of how the policies work. Flooding Defined By...
What is the average cost of insurance?
When it comes to any insurance policy, a lot of factors are at play and everyone's situation is different. That being said the "average" cost of insurance doesn't really exist. From homeowners insurance to a simple auto policy, the factors can seem endless. Just...
What is commercial trucking insurance?
Commercial truck insurance is a type of insurance that protects trucking businesses or businesses that use trucks for the transportation of goods. This insurance also includes coverage options for independent truck drivers. There are many factors and options to...
What is bobtail coverage for commercial trucking insurance?
What is bobtail coverage for commercial trucking insurance? It is a liability-only policy covering you when and if you are driving a truck without a trailer. Commercial trucking insurance is needed regardless of when a truck is driven. If you allow someone else to...
What have been the expectations vs. the reality with the Michigan Reform?
This reform was enacted on July 1st, 2020. It has been a little over one year since. It was put in place due to the fact that although Michigan offered the highest auto insurance benefits, it also was the highest when it came to cost. Personal Injury Protection (PIP)...
What’s the difference between a profit-focused agent and a client-focused agent?
When working with an insurance company or agent, it's important to get a sense of their business model. Simply, an agency can run two ways, profit-focused or client-focused. Can you guess which one you should stay away from? That's right, it's the profit-focused...
How can using an independent insurance agent help me save money?
Using an independent insurance agent can help save you money. The best part is using an agent is no extra cost to you! An Insurance broker, like us, is your one-stop-shop. For example, if you have homeowners insurance with us and later on open a business and decide...
What’s the difference between cost and coverage with insurance?
When shopping around for insurance, it's important to compare cost and coverage. They are not the same thing. You'll want to choose the best balance between the two that are right for you. When you are in the process of receiving quotes, take a look at different types...