We have all heard of a gender wage gap, but a car insurance premium gender gap, too? As it turns out, Michigan has a hefty one. On average, women paid $79 more every year than men in 2018 for the exact same automobile insurance. This is the second biggest gender...
insurance agency
What to do Immediately After a Car Accident
If you have been in a car accident in Michigan, there are several things you need to consider as well as a few actions to take with your Michigan auto insurance company. First, reach out to your car insurance agent immediately after the accident. Your insurance agent...
Insurance Tips: What to Do After Wind or Storm Damage
Springtime in Michigan can bring big storms, heavy rains and gusty winds. If storms cause damage to your property or home, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company. Severe storms can bring about potential complications when it’s time to collect your...
Spring Forward and Change your Smoke Detector Batteries!
Daylight saving time officially ends this weekend on Sunday, March 10, at 2:00 a.m. While a lot of today’s consumer electronics will automatically ‘spring forward’ one hour, you will need to manually change your clocks an hour forward on many household appliances. And...