When shopping for auto insurance, understanding the discounts available can help you save significantly on your premium. Auto insurance companies offer a variety of discounts, though the specific options may vary depending on the insurer. Some discounts are automatically applied when you set up your policy, while others may require you to ask specific questions to ensure you’re getting the maximum savings. By exploring all your options, you can reduce your costs without compromising on essential coverage.

One of the most common and substantial auto insurance discounts is the bundle discount, which provides savings when you combine auto insurance with other types, such as homeowners or renters insurance. This discount is often promoted in insurance commercials and is a go-to option for many people seeking to lower their rates. Other widely available discounts include multi-car discounts, where insuring multiple vehicles on the same policy results in savings, and good student discounts, which reward young drivers who maintain good grades.

Since each insurance company has its own list of available discounts, it’s essential to ask your agent or provider about all the potential savings you may qualify for. Some insurers offer additional discounts for features like low mileage, safe driving history, or completing defensive driving courses. By being thorough in your search and working closely with your insurance provider, you can make sure you’re getting all the auto insurance discounts available to you.

Our owner and founder, Pat Brennan, explains more. Check out the video below!

What Auto Insurance Discounts Are Available? – Entrust Insurance, St. Clair Shores

Video Transcription

“There’s a lot of auto insurance discounts. Now they vary from company to company, so they’re not all. There’s not like a standard list. The application will automatically add a good number of discounts into the policy. So it takes a lot of human error out of the process, but there are still some that.

by asking good questions while we’re taking the application, help us understand what the client’s going to qualify for. So the big one is your bundle discounts that you see on every insurance commercial bundle, auto and home and save. So that’s usually the heftiest of all the discounts, but then you have multi card discounts via children, good student discounts and the list goes on and on.

And some companies offer some that others don’t. But for the most part, if as we always do, we ask the right questions, we make sure we’re very thorough. It allows us to make sure that we’re not missing any of those discounts for the client, but getting every single one that they qualify for.”

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